Chocolate Whippped Cream Recipe | Ice Cream Cake Topping
For our son's motocross themed birthday I made an ice cream cake with
chocolate whipped cream to look like dirt under a motorcycle. The chocolate
1 day ago
I have never seen this in my life! I don't think I would like it're so brave to try it!
I don't remember whether I've tried it or not. Maybe I did & the flavor didn't make much of an impression, one way or the other. I really like that first photo though! Is the stuff in the second picture what the fruit looks like on the inside or is it something else?
I tried it a couple of months ago...I felt the same way about it. It wasn't awful, but I don't think I'd just like to sit and eat it for enjoyment. :) My son thought the name was said it all. He didn't think anything with "dragon" in it could be good, because no one ever said dragons were yummy.
Merry Christmas!
Yeah, the second photo is of the dragon fruit cut up. I think it is kinda like a mixture of a kiwi fruit and an apple but not as sweet as I was expecting!
I never have. What did it taste like? Looks like poppy seed cake mixed with honey dew Mellon.
oddly enough I am in the food industry and I have never had this fruit. Its on my to do list now.
I want to say I had it when I was younger when my mom was going through her try a different fruit every day phase. I can't remember if I liked it though, she made us try so many different ones.
nice picstures :) thanks for stopping by my blog
I use to be a Safety Director for a transportation company and produce was one of our largest hauls. I have NEVER heard of Dragon fruit before. It is beautiful and exotic looking. I would love to try it though..I will just know from what you have said not to expect it to be to sweet. Thank you for sharing this.
I have never tried dragonfruit, but in the last few months I have seen about 4 people blog about it..too funny!
I have tried this and it was really sweet! I like trying new foods as long as it doesn't include brains, lol
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