Garage sales are so much fun! This summer I stopped by some with my dad after our Saturday morning spin class. We found some great items to buy and "fix up."
At one there were these great wooden bank chairs. They had two for $10 each. I asked if they would take $10 for both and they said yes. It never hurts to ask! We took them home, one for me and one for my dad. I spent about 3 days in the 90+ degree heat sanding mine down. It wasn't fun wearing a masking and sanding it in the miserable heat, but I couldn't wait to get it ready to stain. After re-gluing the base, some new stain and replacing the metal feet on it I was done, and very happy with my new chair.

At another sale we found this great cutting board. Unfortunately, I didn't take a before picture, but it was very cut up and wore down. My dad sanded this one down for me and then I applied some oil to it and re-glued the feet back on (they feel off while I was cleaning it). It looks great in its new home - my kitchen!

What did you find at garage sales this summer?